Past Divrei Torah and Other Presentations
Adath Shalom encourages D'var Torah presenters to send material to the webmaster for publication on our web site. We publish in the format in which they are received. As such, some links open directly, while some ask you to save and/or open, depending on both the file format and your computer setup. All files on this page have been tested by our webmaster (Lawrence). Please contact the webmaster if any questions.
- Bereshit - Susan Robertson (2002)
- Bereshit - Why Were There Two Trees in the Garden of Eden? A Possible Development of the Eden Myth - David Steinberg (2005)
- Bereshit Genesis 2 vs. 3 and the Concept of Nature - David Steinberg (2002)
- Bereshit - Overview of creation story, Part 1 of 2 - David Brooks (2023)
- Noach - Overview of creation story, Part 2 of 2 - David Brooks (2023)
- Noach - Tower of Babel - David Brooks
- LECH-LECHA - Irwin Brodo (2000)
- LECH-LECHA - Sylvia Greenspoon (2005)
- LECH-LECHA - From Myth to History - David Brooks (2024)
- Chaye Sarah - Danielle Dugas (2024)
- Chaye Sarah - David Brooks
- Chaye Sarah - Betrothal - David Brooks
- Chayei Sarah - Fern Goldman (2021)
- Toldoth 1 (Bereshit (Genesis) 25:19 - 26:22) - David Brooks ()
- Toldoth 2 (Bereshit (Genesis) 26:23 - 27:27) - David Brooks ()
- Toldoth - Arabs, Edomites and Jews- David Steinberg ()
- Toldoth - God Covers His Tracks- David Steinberg ()
- Toldot - Roslyn Bryan ()
- Vayetzei 1 - David Brooks
- Vayetzei 2 - Fern Goldman (2020)
- Vayetzei 3 - David Brooks
- Vayishlach - Not Jacob but Israel - Paul Adler (2018)
- Vayishlach - Dinah - David Brooks
- VAYESHEV(3rd Part - Bereshit (Genesis) 39:1 - 40:23) - David Brooks
- Miketz - Susan Landau-Chark (2008)
- Vayigash - Danielle Dugas (2004)
- Vayigash1 - David Brooks (2007)
- Vayigash - Joseph and Agrarian policy - David Brooks (?)
- Vayehi - Susan Landau-Chark (2012)
- Vayehi - Jacob's blessing - David Brooks (2018)
- Vayehi - Deaths of Jacob and Joseph - David Brooks (2025)
- SHEMOT Exodus Chapters 3:1 to 4:17 - David Brooks (2003)
- SHEMOT Moshe and Aaron - Susan Landau Chark (2021)
- SHEMOT Hardening Pharaoh's Heart - David Steinberg (2003)
- VA-EYRA(Exodus VI, 2 - end of IX) - Ellen Caplan (2006)
- VA'ERA - David Brooks (2018)
- VA'ERA - Roslyn Bryan (2020)
- VA'ERA - Roslyn Bryan (2023)
- The Akeda - Susan Gara Markowitz (2019)
- Bo - Five special men named Moshe - Paul Adler (2018)
- Bo 2 - Susan Landau-Chark
- Bo- Vegetarianism and Veganism in Judaism - David Brooks
- BESHALAKH - Carol Steinberg
- Yitro - David Brooks
- Mishpatim - 3 - David Brooks (2010)
- Mishpatim - Haftarah - David Brooks (2024)
- Terumah - Roslyn Bryan (2024)
- Tetzavveh-2 - David Brooks (2003)
- Ki Tissa - Susan Robertson (2004)
- Ki Tissa - Carol Steinberg (2018)
- Ki Tissa(2ndPart) Shemot (Exodus) 31:18 - 33:11- David Brooks
- Vayikahel -Pikudei - David Brooks (2009)
- Va Yachel and Oholiab 3 - David Brooks (2022)
- Zakhor; Vayikra - Irwin Brodo (2003)
- Vayikra - 1(Vayikra/Leviticus 1:1 - 2:16) - David Brooks
- Vayikra - M'Tzora(Vayikra/Leviticus 14:53 - 15:33) - David Brooks (2016,2022)
- Vayikra - during Covid Isolation Roslyn Bryan
- Vayikra - the book David Brooks (2023)
- Tsav Karet David Brooks (2020)
- Tazria David Brooks
- Shmini: 2. Anger, 3. Kosher foods - David Brooks
- Acharei Mot - Gene Bodzin
- Acharei Mot Kidoshim - Susan Gara Markowitz (2021)
- Kedoshism Holiness Code - David Brooks (2022)
- Acharei Mot - David Brooks (2023)
- Emor 2 - David Brooks
- Bechukotai - Irwin Brodo (2001)
- Bechukotai - Fern Goldman (2003)
- Bechukotai - blessings and curses - David Brooks (2019)
- Behar - Jubilee Year - David Brooks
- Behar - Buying and selling land, symbolic purchase by Jeremiah - David Brooks (2024)
Bamidbar /Numbers...
- Naso - Ellen Caplan (2004)
- Naso - Susan Landau-Chark (2011)
- Naso(Sotah) - Carol Steinberg (2006)
- Naso-Birkhat Hacohanim - David Brooks (2015?)
- Naso-Birkhat Hacohanim part 2, with thanks to Rabbi Bulka - David Brooks (2022)
- B'HA-ALOT'KHA - 3 - David Brooks (2007)
- Shlach Lecha - Ron Huberman (2003)
- SH'LACH L'KHA(third part) - David Brooks (2018?)
- Korakh - David Brooks (2007)
- Hukat-Balak - Gene Bodzin (2003)
- Hukat-Need for water - David Brooks (2021)
- Balak - Danielle Dugas (2015)
- Balak - Poetry David Brooks (2018)
- Balak - Full David Brooks (2024)
- Pinchas1 - (Bemidbar (Numbers) 25:10 to 26:51) - David Brooks (2018)
- Pinchas3 - Animal Sacrifices (Bemidbar (Numbers) 28:16 – 30:1) - David Brooks (2019)
- BALAK - Gene Bodzin (2002)
- MATTOT - MASE-2 - David Brooks (2018?)
- Haftorah - David Brooks (2017)
- MASE- 3 - David Brooks (2013?)
- MASE - Numbers 33:53 and the Mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisrael- LP (2005)
- D'VARIM - Carol Steinberg (2005)
- D'VARIM - Susan Landau-Chark (2013?)
- D'VARIM - True origin - David Brooks (2023)
- Vaetchanan - Carol Steinberg (2001)
- Vaetchanan - David Steinberg (2018?)
- Vaetchanan2 - David Brooks (2018?)
- Vaetchanan3 - David Brooks (2010)
- Ekev Sin - Three Little Words by David Brooks (2005)
- Ekev by Sherill Besser (2018)
- Ekev Irrigation - by David Brooks (2016)
- Re'eh - David Brooks ()
- Re'eh 2 - David Brooks ()
- Ethannan, Ekev and Shoftim - Commandment for Genocide? - David Steinberg ()
- Shoftim - Susan Robertson (2005)
- Shofetim - Capital Punishment - David Brooks (2020)
- Shoftim - Bal Taschit 3 - David Brooks ()
- Shoftim - Science, Religion and Covid - Roslyn Bryan (2021)
- Ki Tetse - Roslyn Bryan (2010)
- Ki Teitzei - Social Responsibility - Sherill Besser ()
- Ki Teitzei - Methods of Interpretation - Sherill Besser (2020)
- Ki Teitzei - Misc Laws - David Brooks (2024)
- Ki-Tavo - Elaine Vininsky (2002)
- Ki-Tavo Susan Landau-Chark ()
- Ki-Tavo 3 - Triennial cycle, stongest blessing and curses - David Brooks (2022)
- Nitzavim - Deuteronomy Chapt 30 - David Steinberg (2003)
- Nitzavim - Danielle Dugas (2014)
- Nitzavim - Danielle Dugas (2017)
- Nitzavim - David Brooks (2018)
- Nitzavim-Vayeilech - Roslyn Bryan (2024)
- Ha'Azinu - David Brooks ()
- Ha'Azinu - Baruch Sienna (2004)
- Ha'Azinu - Roslyn Bryan ()
- Akeda - Rabbi Miriam T. Spitzer - (2003)
- Shmini Atzeret Hukat Balak - Gene Bodzin (2023)
- Meta-questions for Discussion at the Passover Seder - David Steinberg
- Passover, Seventh Day - Irwin Brodo
- Passover, First Day - The Origins of Pesach and the Haggadah - David Steinberg
- Shabbat Shuvah - David Steinberg
- Geshem and Tal: The Prayers for Rain and for Dew in our Liturgy - David B. Brooks
- From Noah to Jonah through Abraham - Rabbi Miriam T. Spitzer
- Jonah - David Steinberg
- Sukkot and the Sanctity of Time - Paul Adler
- Tisha B'Av Readings - David Steinberg
- Tashlich - Rabbi Miriam T. Spitzer
- Chanukah - History of the Dreidl - Fern Goldman (2024)
- Song of Songs: A Comparison of Texts - David Brooks